Preventing Sexual Abuse in Schools
Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention (ASMP) Online Course
All volunteers are required to complete this online course before beginning their service. At the end of this course, you will be asked to enter the following information:
- Your Name
- Email address
- School Name (if your school name is not listed, choose “other”)
- Organizational Affiliation (if any)
Once your information is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation titled “Automated Email Response”. See below if you do not receive the email or encounter other technical issues.
This video is intended for exclusive use by Seattle Public Schools volunteers and approved community partners.
Learn how to recognize and report sexual abuse in schools and keep students safe. This 20-minute online training provides SPS volunteers and community partners with information about sexual misconduct as well as guidance on appropriate adult/student interaction.
Start the ASMP Online Course in EnglishTranslated Versions – Select a language below to start the course.
- Español – INICIO – el curso de Prevención de Mala Concucta Sexual Adulta (2019)
- Somali – BILOW – Sharaxaada Qoraalka: Doorka Buslhada Dugsiga ee Ka hortaga iyo Ka jawaabida (2019)
- Vietnamese – Cộng đồng trường – Adult Sexual Misconduct Vào cuối buổi hôm nay, quý vị sẽ phải điền thông tin để chúng tôi biết là quý vị đã hoàn tất khóa này (2019)
- Chinese – 成年人不當的性行為課程 (2019)
- For written Amharic translation, please reach out to your volunteer program liaison.
Technical Notes
If you experience technical issues while watching this online course, try the following:
- Use a different device: instead of a smartphone – try a tablet, instead of a tablet – try a laptop, etc.
- If you do not have access to additional devices at home, please visit your local library or community center with free access to computers and the Internet. This City of Seattle website will help you find the most convenient location.
- Open the course in a different internet browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc).
- Reboot your computer.
If you encounter other technical challenges, please contact us – we will respond as soon as we can.
Didn’t receive your email confirmation?
- Please check your “bulk mail”, “promotions”, or “junk mail” folders.
- Some email servers filter out our automated messages altogether. Try using a different email address or complete the training again and save a screenshot of the last step (form requesting your information).
- If you used a email address, our automated email is likely being filtered out by the server. Please use an alternate email address or take a screenshot of the confirmation form to use as proof of completing the training.
Completion Verification
Please note that we transitioned away from completion certificates and are unable to reissue them. If you misplaced your certificate, please complete the training again.